Showing posts with label Ministry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ministry. Show all posts

Higher Calling (Video)

Many people do not realize that those in ministry may also have another career. We automatically assume that pastors spend all of their time studying the Word and praying in the spirit. 

We don't stop to think that they may have two callings - one natural and one spiritual. 

God Will Honor Your Obedience


God will honor your obedience by giving you the love, ability, and lack of fear to do it. We will be uncertain at first, but then it will seem like we always do it.


That’s how I felt when I started cleaning the church. Thoughts ran through my mind like,

“Am I cleaning everything?”

“Are we cleaning the pastor’s office this week?”

“Did I forget something?” 

“Did we get the children’s room or the finance room?” 

“Let me see if I can get someone else to clean the men’s room.”


But after a while, cleaning the church became second nature.  

Amongst the Sheep


Some in leadership are so good at hiding among the sheep that they could skip service, and the sheep do not even know they were not there. And often, even the shepherds don’t know the elders are not there.


I think about some people in leadership who scream and holler on Sunday mornings, but they are nowhere to be found for bible study.


I remember when I worked the second shift, and I was always able to make it to church on Sundays, but I would crave the teachings and fellowship of bible study during the week. My manager usually gave me a day off in the middle of the week twice a month, and you better believe I was at church.


And that was when I was still, a visitor, long before I even became a member.


I noticed that then and I notice it now.

Are You an Eye Pleaser?


Some people place a higher honor on one office of ministry over another. 

It’s like no one wants to work behind the scenes with the children, but they wouldn’t mind being upfront ushering.


Churches sometimes have to beg people to help clean the church, but I bet if they said that needed someone to fill in for the pastor while he’s gone on vacation it’ll be a stampede.

Some people are just eye pleasers and don’t realize it (or they do and they do not care).

The Needs in the Ministry


Sometimes, people will get a “drip” of the anointing, raise their hands to volunteer in the ministry, begin having second thoughts, and then back out.  

I remember when I volunteered to clean the church partly to stay busy while looking for another job, partly because there was a need in the church and partly because it was time for me to stop being a benchwarmer.

And it was the greatest decision that I ever made. I started receiving blessings from God and favors from man.

I also caught a glimpse of the needs in the ministry. It broke my heart at the gaps and made me realize that God's will and plans were being carried out by me being obedient, and I was apart of it.